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What is lumbosciatica

What is lumbociatica

When talking about the lumbosciatica there are different aspects that we have to take into account, so we are going to explain what it is, symptoms and treatments of rheumatic diseases.

The lumbosciatica is an alteration that occurs in men and women for various reasons, how can be the physical effort, bad posture and some diseases of the lumbar spine, although there are many other causes. What's more, pregnant women are also not immune to developing it, since changes in your body can cause this severe low back pain that radiates to the legs.

Lumbosciatica consists of sciatic nerve irritation, which is located inside the spine. It is a limiting and painful disease, since the nerve that runs from the lower back runs through the gluteus, thigh and leg, until it reaches the foot.

Even though it is a Intense pain, you have to be aware that it has a solution. In fact, a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment. a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment, a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment. a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment, a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment.

a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment. a high percentage of lumbosciatica can be combated with medical and non-surgical treatment, that is expanding from the foot to the spine. in addition, who suffers it has a tingling sensation, current and numbness, which generates different inconveniences when it comes to walking and moving easily.

To be able to detect it, a neurological physical examination should be performed, and the patient's medical history is also analyzed, in order to know if you have previously had signs that may be associated. What's more, it is important to discharge neurological diseases that may be related to spinal symptoms. For confirmation that it is lumbosciatica , an MRI should be done, that allows to detect through images and the alteration in the nerve.

in addition, it is recommended not to spend a lot of time sitting, take breaks and walk, in addition to taking care of bad postures, not making strong physical movements, and avoid carrying a lot of weight, with some forms of prevention. Nevertheless, before any sign it is important to consult a specialist.


Why does lumbosciatica occur?

The lumbosciatica is pain in the lower back that radiates to the lower limb, to the point of reaching the foot. The annoying is constant and can occur both during the day and at night; and is usually partially relieved or subsides with the adoption of a fetal position; and may be accompanied by a sensory or strength deficit.

It is very common for people to call low back pain sciatica or lumbosciatica, but for it to be lumbosciatic it must occur a pain that runs from the buttock, down the back of the thigh, and lower down the calf and foot. Pain is delimited by the lower back and buttocks in a lumbago.

The lumbosciatica many times it is caused by a hernia of the nucleus pulposus, some other alteration or pathology that occupies part of the lumbar canal and that compresses some of the roots that form the sciatic nerve.

It should be clear that the intervertebral discs, as time goes by, they grow old together with the person; and it is part of the normal process of the evolution of the spine. Each of the discs ages at different rates, and as this happens, it loses liquid; and they are produced as a consequence of this, micro breaks are produced that make the disc smaller; and sometimes, the result of dehydration and the breakage of the rings that make up the disc, there is a nucleus pulposus hernia.

Secondly, there are some jobs that are related to further disc injury, as it happens with different workers in the construction world. There are also some sports that are related to disc pathologies, although it does not have to be with a herniated disc, how is the descent on mountain bike or motocross.


Low back pain patients present with very severe low back pain that is sometimes described as a cramp or draft sensation that may or may not be accompanied by back pain but radiates from the buttock, with a tour of the back or side of the thigh, up to the ankle. Sometimes accompanied by neurological deficit, which can be sensitive or motor, anesthesia or hypoesthesia in the affected territory.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis is clinical; and it is reached after examining the patient, evaluating reflections, strength and sensitivity, with which you can have a clinical suspicion of more or less what level the hernia is.

After the suspicion, different tests are requested, such as the lumbar spine implant X-rays., that provide an overview of the spine; and finally the definitive diagnosis of the cause and showing the precise well where the hernia is located is the Magnetic nuclear resonance. The latter shows the status of the disks, the hernia and which root is involved.

In the vast majority of patients who have lumbosciatica with only pain, treatment is self-limited, pain relieves with medication, such as pain relievers, anti-inflammatories and medications targeting neuropathic pain; as well as the application of local heat; physiotherapy; and rehabilitation. Studies suggest that a 80% from the patients, about, their pain is considerably reduced.

Nevertheless, there are patients in whom the pain does not subside with these measures, what makes it necessary to do infiltrations. These consist of injecting a corticosteroid into the space that has been affected and into the compromised joints.. If the pain continues, a surgical treatment can be carried out.

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