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What is hyperlordosis


The hyperlordosis is a condition characterized by an excessive curvature of the spine in the lower back. According to traumatologists, the lipoma creates a characteristic C-shaped curve in the lumbar region; This curve points inwards and is located just above the buttocks. This is usually caused by poor posture or lack of activity.



Symptoms of hyperplasia include:

Causes of hyperlordosis

Many factors can cause or contribute to hyperplasia, among them:

Diagnosis and treatment

Spondylolisthesis can be difficult to diagnose due to the large variation in the normal curvature of the lower spine. (lumbar curvature). X-rays can help measure the curvature of the spine, but your doctor will order an MRI or CT scan to rule out a soft tissue abnormality that is the cause of the hyperlordosis.

Your orthopedic surgeon may begin by prescribing anti-inflammatory and pain reliever medications..
Long-term treatment depends on the cause. If the hyperlordosis is related to a structural problem in the spine, you may need a referral to a physical therapist or back specialist. Since obesity may be a contributing factor, you may need to go on a diet to lose weight. This may include physical therapy: stretching exercises to help strengthen your core muscles and, Thus, improve posture.

Exercises for hyperlordosis

Certain exercises have many positive effects on the curvature of the lower spine., back muscle strength and chronic low back pain.

If you exercise constantly during 60 minutes three days a week, doing different types of exercises, help stabilize your lower back, strengthen back muscles and increase spinal flexibility.

After two weeks, you should notice a reduction in back pain, as well as an increase in the strength and flexibility of the lower back muscles.

Exercises may include the following lumbar stabilization exercises:

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