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Skull bones

We often hear about body bones like warm, fibula, The clavicle, etc, but skull bones are not so well known. You should know that in the head is counted on 29 bones, lwhich are joined by cranial sutures that function as a kind of joint in such a way that they have a slight and tiny movement. In total in the skull has 8 bones and 14 more correspond to the face. While the skull is a bony box that covers the brain, the face offers a large number of cavities in which the sense organs are housed.


How is the human skull composed?

The bones of the skull are made up of separate external and internal boards of compact bone by a layer of spongy bone called diploe. The inner table of compact bone is thinner and more fragile than the outer table. The bones are covered on the outer and inner surfaces with periosteum.

What are the bones of the skull?

As we already mentioned, the bones of the skull are 8 a number, including 1 frontal bone, 3 temporal bones, 2 parietal bones, 1 occipital bone, 1 ethmoid bone and 1 spheonid bone.

Frontal bone

It is an odd bone that is located in the anterior part of the skull, convex and smooth, covered by skin. In this area are 3 eminences: la glabela, which is located just above the root of the nose, the lateral frontal protrusions, that are located on both sides of the glabella and the superciliary arches, which in this case correspond to the eyebrows and which are located below the frontal protrusions.

Temporal bone

The temporal bone is a paired bone located between the occipital, the parietal and sphenoid. It is the bone that contains the organs necessary for hearing. This temporal bone of the skull comprises three regions which are: The flaky portion, the Petrosa or Penasco Portion and the Mastoid Portion.

Parietal bone

It is another of the skull bones that is also considered a pair bone and in this case is located between the frontal and occipital bones., just above the temporal bone. It is a bone that has the shape of a quadrilateral with two faces and four edges.. The external face of this bone is convex, while the external face is concave.

Occipital bone

It is a skull bone that is odd, medium and symmetrical. It is located in the lower posterior region of the skull. It has two faces, the exocranial and intracranial. The first is convex and in it is located the foramen magnum that gives way to the spinal cord.

Ethmoid bone

It is also an odd bone of the skull, which in this case is located between the frontal bone and the sphenoid bone. It is made up of three parts: A vertical sheet, a horizontal perforated sheet and two lateral masses.

Sphenoid bone

This is an odd bone that is located in the shape of a wedge, between the other skull bone, with all of whom articulates. It is a bone that is made up of four regions: A cubic shaped body, two minor wings, two major wings and two pterygoid processes.

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