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Neck pain affects the joints and discs

Neck pain is a common age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck.. It develops as a result of the wear of the cartilage and bones that are located in the cervical spine and that extend to the neck. While it is true that this condition is largely due to age, it is also a fact that it can be caused by other factors.

It is estimated that more than 85% of people over 60 years, suffer from this condition, although many of them never experience symptoms. In some people, is condition can cause severe pain and stiffness, Nevertheless, many people who suffer from it are able to carry out their daily activities normally.

Unfortunately the bones and protective cartilage in the neck, are prone to wear, which can lead to neck pain, generating in turn a condition known as cervical spondylosis. Possible causes of this disease include bone spurs, which are bone growths that occur as a result of the body's attempt to grow extra bone to make the spine stronger.

Nevertheless, It is extra bone can put pressure on delicate areas of the spine, as is the case with the spinal cord and nerves, all of which in the end results in pain. The problem can also be caused by dehydrated spinal discs. In this case the bones of the spine have discs between them, which are like thick cushions that absorb lifting shocks, twists and other movements.

The gel material inside these discs can dry out over time., causing the vertebrae of the spine to rub against each other, generating pain. This condition can start from the 40 years on, Although it is not the only thing that can cause cervical pain since the spinal discs can also develop cracks that cause the leakage of this internal filling material. At the same time, the material can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, giving as results symptoms including sciatica and arm numbness.

It is also a fact that if you have had a neck injury, for example, a fall or crash in the car, this can speed up the aging process. Regarding the ligament stiffness, It is important to say that the strong cords that connect the bones of the spine to each other, they can become even much stiffer over time. This directly affects neck movement and makes that particular area feel tighter..

If we talk about risk factor's, the biggest is aging. That is to say, neck pain develops as a result of changes in the neck joints as you age. Herniated disc, dehydration of discs, and bone spurs, are all conditions resulting from aging.

Different factors of aging can affect the risk of neck pain, including, neck injuries, work-related activities that put extra stress on the neck, being overweight and inactive, genetic factors and smoking.

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