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Low back pain and gluteus medius syndrome

Backache concept bending over in pain with hands holding lower back

Gluteus medius pain is also called pseudo-sciatica, the origin of this gluteus medius pain most of the time it is nervous and has to do with the lumbar spine.

That's why the sciatica and gluteus medius they are very related, as the inflammation of the nerve produces intense pain in the buttock that radiates towards the back of the left leg.

At least one 20% of patients who present to the emergency department is for a gluteal-related low back pain.

Know the reasons why it exists inflammation of the gluteus medius or the sciatic nerve that radiates, It is the subject of specialists in traumatology or spinal injuries.

Different lumbar injuries can cause pain such as sciatica and gluteus medius, In this article we will describe some injuries and possible causes of this pain that is a reason for urgent consultation, for the intense pain it produces.

We will also list some treatments that are currently used to relieve gluteus medius pain.


What are the causes of pain?

Some low back pain or pre-existing problems may cause severe pain in this muscle of the body., But the main reasons for gluteus medius pain are:

The diagnosis of gluteus medius syndrome is made through the clinical analysis of the picture. Also accompanied by MRIs and images of the affected lumbar area.

Treatment for gluteus medius pain

Once you have the diagnosis you can consult with your medical specialist, treatment options, In this regard there are a variety of opinions and proposals. You should evaluate all the options that help to relieve the pain.

Treatments can be combined or in phases, in the early stages of a treatment for gluteus medius pain rehabilitation consisting of:

In the event that the pain does not diminish or disappear, more invasive therapies can be applied, for example lumbar and local infiltrations.

With the application of corticosteroids by venous routes, at 60% of cases and with these treatments, both conservative and invasive, the person improves the condition and may be pain-free for a few months, at least 6 O 7 months.

Currently there is also platelet cell-based treatment , also called growth factor treatment, which allow to greatly alleviate the lumbar pain that occurs in this muscle.

Finally, the evolution of pain or its improvement is the best indicator and that the treatments have been effective, since surgery is rarely used in these cases

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