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such as disc degeneration or arthritis

The difference between bulging and herniated disc

The hyperkyphosis consists of the increase in the anterior concavity of the dorsal column. In most cases, it is caused by prolonged and continuous adoption of postures that are not appropriate or due to postural vices.. On other occasions it is due to the lack of tonicity and power in the paravertebral muscles..

Hyperkyphosis can be suffered at any age, although it must be borne in mind that it is rare that it occurs at the time of birth. In some adolescent patients, hyperkyphotic deformation has to do with anomie within the ossification process of the dorsal vertebrae, the one known as Scheuermann's disease.

In the case of adults, kyphosis can be caused by degenerative diseases of the spine., such as disc degeneration or arthritis; such as disc degeneration or arthritis, such as disc degeneration or arthritis; injury (trauma); such as disc degeneration or arthritis (spondylolisthesis); such as disc degeneration or arthritis; infection (such as disc degeneration or arthritis); such as disc degeneration or arthritis; such as disc degeneration or arthritis; muscular dystrophy; such as disc degeneration or arthritis; scoliosis; spina bifida; tumors; o la Paget's disease; among others.


such as disc degeneration or arthritis

such as disc degeneration or arthritis, such as disc degeneration or arthritis. In this way, such as disc degeneration or arthritis hyperkyphosis such as disc degeneration or arthritis:

The weakness of the muscles usually causes hyperkyphosis that can cause muscle contractures and other pain.. The variation of the form in itself is not so important, and if it does not cause pain, it will only be detrimental on an aesthetic level.

such as disc degeneration or arthritis

When talking about hyperkyphosis we can mainly talk about two types, that are divided according to the moment of life in which they take place:

such as disc degeneration or arthritis

This is caused by some type of pathology or by a postural change. The cases can be the following:

such as disc degeneration or arthritis

altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by 50% of the adult population, altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by. altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by.

altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by, altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by, altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by, altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by. altering the posture that can become aggravated as time goes by. If proper treatment is not performed, vertebrae can be deformed. It is usually a deformity that causes pain in the spine.

One of the most frequent causes of hyperkyphosis in adults has to do with a vertebral fracture that is caused by the osteoporosis. How it weakens the vertebral bones in the spine, vertebrae are more vulnerable to fractures that occur in the form of a wedge.

Crushed vertebrae or fractures can cause curvature of the spine. in addition, another variable that conditions it are the routine bad posture. Maintaining a thoracic flexed posture tends to cause a reduction in mobility and a strain on the kyphotic posture that makes it permanent..

in addition, the influence of a reduction in the strength of the back extensor muscles must also be taken into account. In this sense, the trunk extensor muscles are essential for maintaining upright posture.

such as disc degeneration or arthritis

Usually the hyperkyphosis can be seen directly, but with an x-ray you can confirm and determine the causes of this problem. Sometimes, To achieve this last objective, a bone scan is performed..

Regarding your treatment, correction of postural vices, along with proper exercise, adapted by the doctor to the characteristics and to each particular patient is usually enough to correct hyperkyphosis, as well as to prevent or treat pain that may exist.

Exceptionally, Some doctors recommend using a corset in those cases that are especially deforming or progressive in Scheuermann's disease detected before growth ends. In these types of occasions it is necessary to prevent muscle atrophy that leads to constant use of the corset, so it should be removed with the periodicity that the doctor prescribes, so that the patient can do sport exercises such as swimming.

Thus, There are different ways by which you can deal with a problem of hyperkyphosis, Being the yoga a very interesting option to be able to face it. Through its practice you can both correct this problem and prevent its appearance.; and it is that the regular exercise of some yoga asanas can favor when dealing with hyperkyphosis.

To do them properly, it is advisable to follow the instructions of specialized professionals., In addition to taking into account that before starting the asana sequences, you will first need to relax and warm up the body with certain postures..

So that, hyperkyphosis can be treated through different methods and activities, thanks to which you can improve posture and, above all ,try to deal with the discomfort or pain that this problem can cause.

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