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Disc desiccation

Disc desiccation, also known as disc dehydration is a manifestation of loss of hydration of the intervertebral disc.

Water is the most important ingredient for life. The human body is made up of a 70% of water. When that percentage decreases, health conflicts begin. The hydration imbalance in the intervertebral discs is the main cause of back pain.

If you suspect disc desiccation, get an MRI. Intervertebral discs that appear darker are candidates for dehydration.


What is the intervertebral disc?

The spine It is made up of a total of 33 vertebras, which obtain their articulation through the intervertebral discs.

Then the intervertebral disc is that structure that is arranged between two vertebrae and that presents a fibrocartilage appearance. Its nucleus is composed of a gelatinous group, which dampens the compression forces between the two vertebrae. It also has an outer ring that covers the nucleus, composed of collagen whose function is to limit the rotation of the vertebrae.

For the correct operation of the disc, must be kept well hydrated, otherwise it will lose its damping function and may lead to herniated discs.

Disc desiccation process

The intervertebral disc is subjected daily to a process of continuous hydration and dehydration. During the day, when we do our daily activities, these intervertebral discs are subjected to constant dehydration due to compression caused by the person's weight, but also due to a muscle contraction or tension. When we rest and go to bed, a reverse reaction occurs, discs rehydrate, since the compression by the weight disappears and the tension decreases.

The human body is made up of a, some of the fluid that contains its nucleus is transferred to the inside of the vertebra. When that liquid returns to the disk, we talk about hydration.

In this hydration-dehydration process, ends up gaining dehydration. With passing de years it is normal for the intervertebral disc to lose fluid and end up dehydrated, especially in the elderly.

Also those people who work or play sports that are related to lifting weights, they will be more prone to dehydration of the intervertebral disc at a young age. Your chances of suffering from herniated discs are greatly increased if you don't wear the proper equipment to protect yourself..

How can I prevent a dehydration of the intervertebral disc?

The human body is made up of a. The human body is made up of a.

You should also avoid consuming beverages that contain alcohol, caffeine and cola.

Correct posture when sitting will help avoid pressure on the discs. Likewise, movement should be improved when lifting weights.

Treatment for desiccated disc

Once we are certain that one or more discs have suffered from dehydration, we must act immediately to correct the condition and avoid as much as possible that the intervertebral discs continue to dry out.


Exercises that are related to stretching are the most recommended. Although they can be done at home, It is better to be supervised by a physiotherapist since if the exercise is poorly performed it could be complicated.

Exercises should be done by zones, starting by stretching the legs and then going up to the lumbar region.

Aerobic exercises help improve flexibility and movement while strengthening muscles.

Aerobics in the water are excellent to improve the performance of the disc because it is low impact. Practice walking underwater, keeping your back in a straight position. Do stationary exercises in the water such as balancing with one leg or scissors.

Walking for at least half an hour daily will help strengthen the back muscles and tends to relieve pressure on the intervertebral disc..


A massage therapy will help to relax the muscles that are in the spinal cord and will release a little that pressure that is in the intervertebral discs..

An adjustment of the spine through chiropractic treatment, it will relieve pain by increasing the flexibility of the body and releasing the compression between the disc and the vertebra.


If you don't get relief from the above treatments, will have to resort to surgery for herniated discs. If the dissection of the intervertebral disc has progressed to the condition of herniated disc, the specialist should be consulted and he will decide which surgical technique will be the most convenient depending on the severity of the case.

Among the most common surgeries and those most recommended by specialists we find:

Spinal decompression. The results sought with this method is to rehydrate the intervertebral disc, separating the bones of the spine carefully. The pressure on the disc decreases encouraging hydration.

Discectomía. Removes herniated disc material.

Laminectomy. The lamina of a vertebra is removed in order to release pressure on the nerve root.

Disc prosthesis. If the intervertebral disc appears very degenerated, the option will be to replace it with an artificial prosthesis.

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