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Most appropriate sports for lower back pain

The prevalence of low back pain O lumbago she's very tall: It is estimated that until 80% of people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. Although only a minority will suffer more serious problems in this area of ​​the spine, the rest will have their quality of life affected. Nevertheless, should we resign ourselves? No way. There are some basic measures that are very useful.

The main idea is to discard the concept of rest and favor activation, since he physical exercise It is the best remedy against low back pain. “Lo que se debe hacer es intentar mantenerse lo más activo posible, evitando situaciones y posturas que provoquen más dolor y pasando el menor tiempo posible en la cama”.

If the pain has already appeared, you can consider taking some anti-inflammatory analgesic (such as ibuprofen or dexketoprofen), apply calor local, use a elastic lumbar faja, resort to the physiotherapy and, above all, “intentar mantener una actividad lo más normal posible”.

La mejor prevención implica “mantener una buena tonificación muscular con un ejercicio diario saludable, controlar el exceso de peso y evitar posturas y deportes que sobrecarguen la columna”.


Causes of low back pain

Low back pain can be the result of a variety of factors, ranging from traumatic injuries to chronic medical conditions. Some of the most common causes include:

Symptoms of low back pain

Low back pain symptoms can vary in intensity and duration, and may include:

The best sports to treat lower back pain

Low back pain is a common condition that can be debilitating for those who experience it. Nevertheless, regular physical activity, including certain sports, can be beneficial for strengthening back muscles, improve flexibility and reduce pain. Next, Seven sports are presented that can be especially useful for those suffering from low back pain, along with its specific benefits:

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