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How is spondylolisthesis treated??

When talking about the spondylolysis and the spondylolisthesis it is usual that there are doubts about them, there are people who do not know how to differentiate between these. In reality, these are two pathologies that are related to each other on a regular basis., and that usually affect the lumbosacral region. Spondylolisthesis is the slippage of one vertebra over another, usually forward.

This can be accompanied by spondylolysis, which is the defect of union or fracture of a part of the vertebra of degenerative cause, congenital or traumatic that causes instability. When displacement is found because it is a spondylolisthesis without spondylolysis, it should be, as usual, to degenerative disorders.

It speaks of spondylosis when there is a break in the lamina of the vertebra. Some people are born with this injury; and others develop it as a result of the stresses that their vertebrae endure when practicing a sport in which the spine is stretched and rotated abruptly; or because there is a direct trauma.



The spondylolysis can be caused by a birth defect in the spine, which usually appears a few years after birth; acute back trauma; degenerative spinal conditions; or by a chronic over extension of the back that has been caused by some sports activities.

It speaks of spondylolisthesis when there is a displacement of a vertebra with respect to the lower one. This injury can be caused by an associated spondylosis; or due to interapophyseal osteoarthritis, without it being necessary for there to be a break.

Occurs between the fifth bone of the lumbar region, in the so-called lumbar vertebra, and the first bone in the sacral area (pelvic retroversion). It is often due to a birth defect in this area of ​​the spine or a sudden injury, with acute trauma. can be differentiated two types of spondylolisthesis, what are the following:


Spondylosis does not have to show symptoms, since we can find situations in which there is breakage without displacement. The moment there is displacement is when the symptoms begin to appear.

there will be more pressure on the lower back, It must be taken into account that the symptoms of spondylolisthesis depend on the degree to which the lesion is found., being able to classify and differentiate the following degrees:

In general, Grades 1 and 2 They do not usually cause back pain or lumbago; while when there is a greater displacement, as in degrees 3 and 4, it is possible to cause a nerve or sciatic compression, what gives rise to:

Treatment of spondylolisthesis

The treatment of spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis will depend largely on the vertebral displacement and the degree of this.. In the vast majority of cases, people get better by seeing an osteopath or physical therapist; and following their recommendations for stretching and strengthening exercises to do daily.

Only in the most serious cases, in which there is strong nerve compression, surgery is needed to fuse the vertebrae. In the rest of the cases, the following treatments are chosen:

Application of ice or heat

One of the treatment options for spondylolisthesis and spondylolysis is to resort to a method that is very effective in dealing with different types of problems, generally refers to injuries sustained in the application of ice or heat, commonly used to reduce localized pain.

In general, It is recommended to use ice to relieve pain or discomfort immediately after carrying out the activity in which the pain has been caused.. Heat application is recommended., for his part, to effectively relax muscles to promote airflow and a healing environment. It should not be applied for a period of time that exceeds the 15-20 minutes continuously.


It is also advisable to resort to a treatment that is as effective and precise as the physiotherapy. In this case, elongation is recommended., starting with hamstring stretching and progressing over time.

in addition, special attention should be paid to stretching the hamstrings twice daily in order to relieve tension in the lower back. The professional will analyze each specific case to design an exercise program that is under control and that can be gradually increased as time goes by..

Turning to a professional is a great option in all these types of situations., since it will be able to assess each case in particular and design a physiotherapy treatment that may be the most suitable for the patient to be able to solve their problem as quickly as possible and with the greatest efficiency..

manual handling

A third route of treatment for spondylolisthesis is to resort to manual handling, where the work of physiotherapists will be trusted but also in osteopaths and other health professionals who are duly trained for it. Through this technique it will be possible to reduce the pain through the mobilization of the painful joint of the dysfunction.

You have to be aware that as years go by and time goes by, the lordotic curve is accentuated, which makes it essential to carry out physiotherapy treatments along with daily exercise, stretching and maintaining proper postural hygiene.

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