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How does a disc protrusion occur??

Disc protrusions normally appear due to the aging of the discs or even, due to trauma such as a strong blow to the back. You should know first of all that disc protrusions are very common in those older than 40 years and not all cause back pain.

To understand what a disc protrusion is, you must first spend a few moments describing the spine... As you can see in the video, The spine is made up of a succession of vertebrae and intervertebral discs that act as “pads” that prevent the vertebrae from rubbing against each other., cushion weight and stabilize your spine.

Intervertebral discs are made up of a fibrous outer ring that contains and protects a gelatinous nucleus called the nucleus pulposus..


How does a disc protrusion occur??

Back muscle contractures are painful groupings of the sets of muscle fibers in that area produced after an effort, the normal process of disc wear causes some of the fibers that make up its "fibrous envelope" to lose strength and elasticity, and can retract or split spontaneously. when that happens, some of the gelatinous content of the disc or "nucleus pulposus" may protrude or extravasate outside.

In some cases, the pressure inside the disc can exceed the resistance capacity of the fibers of the “fibrous envelope”, so that part and a portion of the disc bulges or herniates. Since the "nucleus pulposus" of the disc is gelatinous in consistency, when the spine bends forward the disc tends to slide backwards, and vice versa. The back of the fibrous casing is less resistant than the front., since it is a third finer, so it is more common for protrusions and herniations to appear in the back of the disc. A) Yes, the most typical situation in which a herniated disc occurs, is when the patient leans forward with the legs stretched out, load weight in your arms and get up, increasing pressure on the most posterior portion of the disc, until it exceeds the resistance capacity of the fibrous envelope and disc herniation occurs

Nevertheless, this situation is the most typical, but not the most frequent; most hernias are caused by the gradual process of wear of the fibrous covering, and there are few those in which there is a clear and unique trigger.

Back muscle contractures are painful groupings of the sets of muscle fibers in that area produced after an effort, various muscular mechanisms reduce the pressure on the disc, because when contracting in a coordinated way the different muscle groups distribute and stabilize the load. A) Yes, It is assumed that some of the factors that could increase the probability of disc herniation or protrusion are:


What is a disc protrusion?

Over the years and/or the efforts, the annulus fibrosus loses elasticity and resistance. and to put into operation the entirety of his perceptual area by force, the nucleus pulposus may be displaced from the center of the disc resulting in a disc bulge or bulge (“disc protrusion”) what could be cervical, lumbar... the most common occur between L4 L5 and between L5 S1 (lumbar); are also frequent between C5 C6 and C6 C7 (cervical).

Symptoms of disc protrusions

Not all disc protrusions end up forming a herniated disc

Until now, there is no product or technique in alternative or traditional medicine that completely recovers the previous state of the intravertebral discs once a disc protrusion appears.

Not all disc fissures and bulges cause pain.. not even hernias. In fact, the vast majority of older adults 40 years old we have disc protrusions produced by age that do not cause any discomfort

A large part of patients with back pain do not present a pathology in their diagnostic tests -protruded disc, hernia, flattening…- that justifies it

Why do disc bulges occur??
As with other back ailments, age, Obesity and lack of physical activity are risk factors for the appearance of bulging and herniated discs.. lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs (lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs, sedentary jobs...)

The discomfort caused by a disc protrusion is usually located in the cervical area (neck and high back) lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs (lower back and kidneys) and are often accompanied by muscle contractures. The pain may radiate to the arm if the origin is cervical or to the leg, lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs.

These discs are formed by a fibrous ring that protects a gelatinous nucleus.

A few years ago practically all patients with low back or lumbosciatic pain who were diagnosed with a herniated disc underwent surgery to remove it. Today we know that conservative treatment is almost always the best option.

In the Pain Units they can help you and recommend other treatment alternatives: pharmacological (practically all patients with lumbosciatica or lumbar pain who were diagnosed with a herniated disc, pain relievers like tramadol…) practically all patients with lumbosciatica or lumbar pain who were diagnosed with a herniated disc, changes in your lifestyle… Many patients manage to control their back pain by losing weight and/or regularly doing specific physical exercise to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles.

Postural education is also of great help to promote the correct alignment of the spine, avoiding inappropriate postures..

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