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How do parrot beaks form on the spine?

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The parrot beaks is how the osteophytes. These are bony protrusions that have their origin in the vertebrae of the spine, is how the great pain in the back, as well as tingling in the legs or arms.

The disease is called osteophytosis and osteophytes are called parrot beaks because at the moment of carrying out an imaging test such as a spinal x-ray, you can see how they have a hook shape; and this makes it keep certain similarities in its appearance to the beak of this exotic bird.

Osteophytosis gets worse as time goes by, so over the years the pain and discomfort derived from this disease will increase. is how the it has no cure, But there are different treatments that can be carried out with the aim of improving the quality of life of all those who suffer from it..

Among the treatments that can be used to cope with it and minimize its effect, painkillers that have been prescribed by the orthopedist can be taken, as well as the realization of physiotherapy in order to face that pain.



There are different symptoms suffered by those who have parrot beaks in his body, being some of the following those that can indicate their presence, as they are:

These are symptoms that are common to other osteoarticular diseases, mainly in those cases that are related to the spine; and to confirm the diagnosis of having parrot beaks, It is advisable to go to the traumatologist to be able to perform a spinal X-ray or an MRI.

is how the disco intervertebral, as well as the approximation between the vertebrae and the formation of prominences in the lateral region of the vertebrae.

How are parrot beaks formed

It is common for parrot beaks are formed with aging and also by bad postures that have occurred over the years; and is that all this generates wear of the intervertebral disc, making the vertebrae very close together, and cause the formation of new bone structures that are located at the edges of the vertebrae.

in addition, the parrot beaks or osteophytes may arise motivated by various problems such as hernias, scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and other autoimmune diseases.

This problem occurs more frequently from 45 years of age due to the natural wear and tear of the spinal discs, in people who are overweight, who are sedentary and do not practice physical activity; and also in people who have a rheumatic disease or have suffered some type of trauma to the spine.

In a mushroom way, in order to prevent the formation of parrot beaks, it is recommended that you always maintain a proper posture when walking, sleeping and sitting; and also practice sports regularly and avoid heavy loads.

Differences between parrot beaks and herniated disc

Despite being situations in which the bones are injured and cause considerable discomfort and pain, and although they can be in both cases related to the passage of time, age and bad posture, it must be clear that the parrot beaks are not the same as herniated disc.

Herniated disc is a situation in which the intervertebral discs, which are those that are located between the vertebrae and that wear out. This causes contact between the vertebrae, causing symptoms to occur. Parrot's beak, for his part, This is an alteration in which there is a formation of a bone structure between the vertebrae.

Treatment of parrot beaks

First of all, it should be known that parrot beaks have no cure. Therefore, Any treatment that is carried out to deal with this ailment will be given with the aim of mitigating pain and discomfort as much as possible and improving the quality of life of all those who suffer from it.. In this way, the orthopedists will be able to carry out some treatments that are focused on the relief of pain and discomfort.

In this way it can be recommended to use different drugs, as is the case with anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. Thanks to them it will be possible to alleviate the symptoms and at the same time promote the quality of life of the person.

Similarly, it is important that you always try to maintain a correct posture, either when walking, when sleeping, when sitting and in any other action of daily life, since this will prevent the disease from worsening; and on some occasions physical therapy sessions may also be needed at least four times a week, so that posture can be improved and pain reduced.

In the most severe cases a misalignment in the spine may be observed; and the doctor may indicate surgery to correct this alteration. In this way, there are different pathways through which parrot beaks can be treated, or at least work with different techniques and methods with the clear objective of improving the quality of life and trying to reduce the pain suffered as much as possible.

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