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Causes and symptoms of facet osteoarthritis

The facet osteoarthritis It is a pathology that affects the facet joints of the spine and that can significantly affect the quality of life of all those who suffer from it.. Before the appearance of a facet pain, It is important that you go to a traumatologist specialized in the spine, since it will be the most appropriate professional to be able to determine the treatment that must be carried out, especially in the event that the pathology is very advanced and it is necessary to resort to spinal microsurgery.


What are the articular facets of the spine?

The joint facets are the connections that exist between the different vertebrae that make up the spine and that allow its mobility. They are made up of a capsule., surrounded and reinforced by ligaments that provide the necessary resistance.

Their main function is none other than to limit and prevent rotation, just like him anterior displacement of the vertebrae. Once this is known, It's time to talk to you about causes and symptoms of facet osteoarthritis.

What is facet arthrosis?

The facet osteoarthritis is a pathology that affects the articular facets of the spine, which can be caused by a degeneration or wear of the cartilage of the facet joints, so it is not surprising that it is a pathology that occurs frequently in those people who are of advanced age.

The wear of the facet joints is very similar to that of the intervertebral discs, although it must be taken into account that the disc tends to suffer earlier degeneration and that it accelerates the degeneration of the articular facet.

Causes of facet osteoarthritis

As we have already mentioned, When we refer to the main cause of the facet osteoarthritis, We have to keep in mind that this is the cartilage wear. In many cases, this wear is caused by a decrease in the intervertebral disc., which causes an increase in pressure to be generated on the articular facets.

Facet joint cartilage degeneration can lead to joint laxity and subluxation, Or what is the same, a destabilization of the joints. A) Yes, as it happens with facet hypertrophy, which refers to excessive inflammation of the facet joints that causes pain in the patient, being the one that occurs most frequently lumbar facet hypertrophy in L5-S1.

Symptoms of facet osteoarthritis

when you suffer facet osteoarthritis It must be borne in mind that at first it does not usually cause symptoms in the patient. Nevertheless, as cartilage and facet joint wear and tear grows, that person who suffers it can end up suffering pain accompanied by stiffness and immobility.

One of the symptoms that can be found most frequently due to the facet osteoarthritis you are the chronic low back pain, which is known by the name of lumbar facet osteoarthritis, and that can significantly affect the quality of life of the patient. In fact, can affect daily activities, such as walking or sitting for long periods of time.

In those most serious cases, the facet osteoarthritis may end up causing the appearance of more serious pathologies, like canal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can cause spinal cord compression. In this type of case, the patient will suffer greater consequences and it will be more serious, since the patient will experience severe pain and often even suffer from immobility.

Diagnosis of facet osteoarthritis

When a patient goes to a professional with symptoms of facet osteoarthritis, there will be a physical examination of the patient, in addition to a study of the clinical history, as well as possible family history.

In most cases, it will be necessary to carry out diagnostic imaging tests, such as MRIs or X-rays, thanks to which it is possible to obtain images of the area that is affected. In some cases, the person who suffers facet osteoarthritis will have to undergo a lumbar facet block or facet block, so that the exact location of the patient's pain is found.

In these kinds of situations, diagnosis should be performed periodically, having to do control tests from time to time once it has been determined that the patient suffers facet osteoarthritis, so that it will be possible to detect in this way possible degenerative changes in the facet joints or intervertebral discs.

Treatment of facet osteoarthritis

Once a patient has been diagnosed as having facet osteoarthritis, based on symptoms and how it affects patients, the professional will determine a treatment, which in its early phases is usually based on painkillers or anti-inflammatories. in addition, it is also recommended that a physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation by the hand of a specialist.

In the most serious cases in which you suffer from lumbar facet pain or facet osteoarthritis, the patient will submit to the minimally invasive technique of chronic low back pain specialized in lumbar facet osteoarthritis.

In order to deal with this problem, you can use the lumbar facet block, In addition to other possible solutions such as the radiofrequency.

How to prevent the appearance of facet osteoarthritis

In cases where the patient has a family history, the risk of suffering facet osteoarthritis increase. Nevertheless, There are certain guidelines that could prevent the occurrence of this problem.

For this, it is recommended to follow some healthy lifestyle habits, based on a balanced diet and moderate, low-impact exercise. In this way you can get a body weight control, which is key to prevent suffering facet osteoarthritis.

there will be more pressure on the lower back, It is very important to know that adequate treatment is essential to be able to deal with this problem and that it does not get worse..

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