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Facet osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the facet joint, also known as facet joint osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects people as they age. When this condition occurs in the spine, affects the facet joints located in the lower back and buttocks.

The term joint facet osteoarthritis, refers specifically to the joints that are particular to the spine. The facet joints connect the vertebrae to each other and are surrounded by cartilage and a synovial membrane that secretes synovial fluid., keeping joints flexible.

Cartilage is a soft, connective tissue that covers the facet joints in areas where the bone touches the bone.. This protective cartilage coating is forced to intercept some stress and friction., suffering wear until bone-to-bone contact, provoking bone spurs, stiffness and pain.

The spine is under great stress throughout life and eventually the joints will begin to deteriorate. If you have back pain, you may be suffering from spinal facet osteoarthritis.


Causes of facet osteoarthritis

Facet Osteoarthritis is caused by joint damage. This deterioration can accumulate over time, therefore age is one of the main causes of damage. So that, the older you are, more wear and tear you've had on your joints.

But this condition is not restricted only to older adults.. Younger adults may also experience symptoms.

Other causes of osteoarthritis include past injuries, What:

A joint malformation also influences, obesity and poor posture. There are certain risk factors, such as family history and / or gender, these increase the risk of facet osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of facet osteoarthritis

Symptoms of facet osteoarthritis vary, depending on which joints are affected and how worn they are. Nevertheless, the most common symptoms are pain and stiffness. These occur first thing in the morning or after resting.

Affected joints often swell, especially after prolonged activity. Symptoms tend to accumulate over time, it is very strange to see them suddenly appear.

Some of these symptoms may also be experienced:

When pain occurs, swelling or stiffness, performing normal tasks at home or work is difficult. Activities like walking, lifting objects or climbing stairs can be difficult.

What is the difference between facet osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?

Spinal rheumatoid arthritis, it is an autoimmune disease, characterized by attacking the body and its own synovial membranes in the joints. This condition causes the facet joints to become painfully inflamed..

Symptoms of these two conditions, they are very similar and it is very easy to confuse them. The difference between facet osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the way the back pain appears. If it feels warm it is possible that we are in the presence of rheumatoid arthritis.

Diagnosis of facet osteoarthritis

If there is a suspicion of experiencing facet joint degeneration, a specialist doctor should be consulted, although you can start with your primary care physician. This will explore the physical symptoms and family history to give an accurate diagnosis..

The main way to identify facet osteoarthritis is with x-rays of the affected joints. In them, joint cartilage loss is commonly found, narrowing of the joint space between bones and / or formation of bone spurs.

X-ray tests can help decision making, in order to consider the appropriate time when surgery should be applied. X-rays of the affected site can exclude other causes of joint pain.

Blood tests for the diagnosis of facet osteoarthritis are ruled out. They are only done to exclude diseases that can cause secondary facet osteoarthritis and other arthritis conditions that can mimic osteoarthritis.

Puncture of the joint cavity (artrocentesis) performed in the doctor's office. The procedure is based on extracting joint fluid for analysis and ruling out infections or other causes of inflammatory arthritis.

Too arthroscopy may be performed, a technique that allows visualizing the inside of the joints to diagnose facet osteoarthritis. With this procedure, cartilage and ligament abnormalities and damage can be detected and in some cases repaired, through the arthroscope.

Through an MRI of the spine, the patient's condition can be assessed and determine if you are a candidate for spinal surgery.

Generally, careful analysis of the location, the duration and character of the joint symptoms and even the appearance of the joints helps the doctor to diagnose facet osteoarthritis.

Treatment of facet osteoarthritis

The treatment of spinal facet osteoarthritis is aimed at relieving pain symptoms and increasing the motor capacity of the patient.. The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle (The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle) The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, The ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These exercises seek to strengthen the muscles that support the joints and increase the range of motion..

Rest is necessary during general treatment. But bed rest for long periods of time is not recommended..

There are also non-drug treatments available to treat facet osteoarthritis., for instance:

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It is a technique that is used through a small device that emits electrical pulses in the affected area.

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