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recovery in bodybuilding

PCT is an acronym that implies the presence of a post-course therapy. It involves the use of drugs that minimize the side effects associated with the use of steroid drugs.. This is especially true if the course was of long duration.. Estas medidas ayudan al cuerpo a recuperarse completamente y a ir al régimen fisiológico correcto. PCT in anabolic-steroids24 – de calidad y con una fecha de caducidad normal.

Why is recovery therapy necessary??

If a man has taken prohormones for a long time, this can have a negative effect on the functioning of organs such as the testicles. Testosterone production in the body is controlled by the hypothalamus.. This hormone is responsible for the division of cell structures, whose place are the sexual glands.

Spermatogenesis is one of its applications. If this process is externally influenced by certain drugs, less gonadotropic hormone is produced. If the process goes too far, even atrophy of the testicles is possible.

When testosterone comes in sufficient quantities from abroad, the body simply does not need to produce it itself. It is not profitable for the body to spend extra energy in these cases. In this case, the organism uses the principle of rationality.

On the other hand, when the supply of testosterone from the outside stops, its production processes occur gradually. It takes time to fully activate. You have to understand that an excess of testosterone is not a positive thing, because there is the concept of homeostasis in a biological system, What does it mean that everything is in balance?.

Normally, there is never an excess of this hormone, because when it reaches a critical level, the excess is replaced by estrogen. They are also in the blood in certain concentrations and when they are in excess, antiestrogens come into play.

Next, the question refers to the liver. With this everything is already very clear. Being a complex biochemical laboratory, passes literally everything through itself. Given the enormous load that bears, liver function may be affected. Hepatoprotectors -drugs that protect the liver and help it recover from so much stress- they can help.

PCT Objectives

A course of corrective therapy can help achieve the following effects:

Types of recovery therapy

Reconstructive treatment after a course of steroids can be carried out in two types:

It is now necessary to look more closely at each option separately..

Classic recovery therapy

Involves the use of testbusters, hepatoprotective and antiestrogen. But these are just basic media, that can be supplemented with other medications.

Treatment is carried out as a package. For it, one of the possible testobusters is chosen. Two remedies can be taken, but their formulations must be different. The complex is supplemented with the chosen hepatoprotector and some estrogens..

Estilo “puente”

This option is used by experienced athletes who are characterized by long drug courses.. The workouts of any seasoned athlete often involve long drug runs.. These two actions are practically synonymous. The basic idea is to leave a prohormone alone, not a package. SARM is used or the use of a special testosterone bridge.

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